Advanced Threat Detection

Preventing insider threats requires a accurate approach involving strategies, technologies, and processes. The goal is to protect sensitive information and vital systems from abuse or theft by those with authorized access. Insider threats are unique and require customized solutions.

Controlling And Blocking Features

Application Control

Application control measures enable organizations to restrict access to specific applications based on user roles and permissions, enhancing security by preventing unauthorized usage and minimizing the attack surface.

Two-Factor Authentication

Implementing two-factor authentication(2FA) enhances security by necessitating users to provide two forms of identification, bolstering protection against unauthorized access to sensitive systems or data.

File Tracking

Tracking file access and modifications enables organizations to enforce data security policies, mitigating insider threats and reducing the risk of data breaches by monitoring create-update-delete-copy-paste-rename operations.

Automatic Watermarking

Automatically watermarking sensitive documents helps organizations deter unauthorized sharing or distribution by visibly identifying the source of the document, thereby enhancing accountability and deterring insider threats.

Screen Capture Restrictions

Restricting screenshot capabilities enhances organizational security by thwarting unauthorized capture of sensitive data, shielding intellectual property and confidential information from insider threats.

USB Control

We believe brand interaction is key to communication. Real innovations and positive customer experience are the heart of success.

Print Blocking

Implementing print job approval workflows or blocking sensitive document printing safeguards against unauthorized disclosure, ensuring data privacy and regulatory compliance.

Monitoring Features

Audio/Video Recording

By incorporating audio and video recording capabilities, organizations can monitor employee interactions and detect any suspicious conversations or behaviors that may indicate insider threat.

End User Activity Report

Generating detailed reports on end-user activities allows organizations to gain insights into user behaviour patterns, identify anomalies, and promptly respond to potential insider threats.

Idle Time Monitoring

Tracking idle time helps organizations identify instances where employees may be neglecting their duties.It can intervene proactively to address productivity gaps and uphold accountability.

Session Activities Log In and Log Out

Including login and logout events, provides a comprehensive audit trail of user actions, facilitating forensic investigations and accountability.

Capture Screenshots

Periodic screenshotting of user activities aids organizations in monitoring employee behavior, detecting policy breaches, and preventing data breaches or unauthorized access.

USB Monitoring

Monitoring USB usage enables organizations to track the connection of external storage devices and prevent the unauthorized transfer of sensitive data.

Print Tracking

Tracking print activities allows organizations to monitor the printing of sensitive documents and detect potential data breaches or policy violations.

Clipboard Data Transfer Tracking

Monitoring clipboard activities aids in detecting unauthorized transfer of sensitive data, mitigating the risk of data leakage for organizations.

Email Activity Monitoring

Monitoring email communications enables organizations to detect suspicious or unauthorized activities, such as the transmission of sensitive information to external parties.

Application Monitoring

Tracking application usage aids in pinpointing unauthorized software installations, spotting anomalies in behavior, and enforcing compliance with acceptable use policies.

Web Tracking

Monitoring web browsing activity enhances security by controlling access to websites, preventing data breaches, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Reporting Features


Generating real-time alerts for suspicious activities or policy violations enables organizations to promptly respond to insider threats, mitigate risks, and prevent potential data breaches or security incidents.

Risk Ranking

Ranking insider threats based on severity and likelihood helps organizations prioritize mitigation efforts, allocate resources effectively, and focus on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities or risks.

Policy Scheduler

Enforcing scheduling policies and monitoring tasks continuously protects against insider threats and automates security operations, optimizing resource usage for enhanced prevention effectiveness.


Detailed reports on user activities, policy violations, security incidents, and compliance status provide valuable insights for organizations, aiding in regulatory compliance and informed decision-making.

Implementation Strategy


Assessment and Planning

Assessment and Planning

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment helps organizations identify potential insider threats, assess vulnerabilities, and define security objectives and requirements tailored to their unique business environment, industry regulations, and risk tolerance.




Deploying the insider threat prevention solution across all relevant endpoints, servers, and network infrastructure ensures comprehensive coverage and consistent enforcement of security policies, minimizing blind spots and reducing the risk of insider threats.


Configuration and Policy Definition

Configuration and Policy Definition

Monitoring, controlling, and reporting features are configured based on organizational policies, security requirements, and industry best practices to ensure alignment with business objectives, regulatory compliance, and risk management goals, thereby optimizing the effectiveness of insider threat prevention efforts.


Training and Awareness

Training and Awareness

Providing comprehensive training and awareness programs for employees helps foster a security-conscious culture, educates individuals about insider threats, their implications, and prevention measures, and empowers them to act as the first line of defence against insider threats.


Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Continuously monitoring the effectiveness of the insider threat prevention solution, analyzing security metrics, and conducting regular audits and reviews enable organizations to identify areas for improvement, fine-tune security controls, and adapt to the evolving insider threat landscape, ensuring ongoing protection against insider threats.

Supported Platforms

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